White faced heron. (Egretta novaehollandiae)

White faced heron. (Egretta novaehollandiae), Animal, Aquatic bird, Bird, ExploreNatureTheWildNature, HQ Photo
White faced heron. (egretta novaehollandiae) free stock photo

The white-faced heron is New Zealand's most common heron, despite being a relatively new arrival to this country. It is a tall, elegant, blue-grey bird that can be seen stalking its prey in almost any aquatic habitat, including damp pasture and playing fields. Because it occupies space also shared with people it is usually well habituated to their presence, and may allow close approach.


Free high resolution images white faced heron. (egretta novaehollandiae), animal, aquatic bird, bird, explorenaturethewildnature, free photos.
Licence: Creative Commons - CC0. Photos transferred to the public domain from Creative Commons.

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