Superstitions: Boulder Canyon

Superstitions: Boulder Canyon, Arizona, Mountain, Trail, Snaptweet, HQ Photo
Superstitions: boulder canyon free stock photo

Boulder Canyon Trail, Black Top Mesa, Weavers Needle, Palamino Mountain (left to right)


2009-02-13:On our last full day in the Superstition's Boulder Basin, we hiked up Boulder Canyon. From our camp in Boulder Basin, we followed Dutchmans Trail a short distance to the junction with Boulder Basin Trail, turned left on the trail, and followed it until it was time to turn around. Boulder Canyon Trail follows Boulder Canyon north from Dutchmans Trail, meandering back and forth across the creekbed which was running well for this hike. The creek was fairly easy to cross, with plentiful stepping stones, and cairns marking the crossings. At one point, shortly before we turned around, the trail went up next to a steep cliff, and required a little boulder hopping to get around the corner. The canyon is very pretty, getting a bit more rugged as it goes downstream (north) from Boulder Basin. The trail eventually meets up with Second Water Trail, but we didn't go that far, turning around roughly halfway up the canyon.


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Free high resolution images superstitions: boulder canyon, arizona, mountain, trail, snaptweet, rock formation.
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