Theres something wrong with Kenzo :(

Theres something wrong with Kenzo :(, Animal, Pet, Rabbit, HQ Photo
Theres something wrong with kenzo :( free stock photo

(not in this picture, this is an old photo)

Kenzo hasn't been eating alot for the past few days, but I wasn't very worried, because sometimes he eats less for a while and then goes back to normal.

But this morning, I noticed that he completly lost his sense of balance. When he tries to walk or hop, he falls. he has no control over his legs, and his head keeps falling to the side. He won't eat or drink and he looks miserable.

I'm taking him to the vet this afternoon, I hope it's nothing serious (even though it looks pretty bad) because I don't know how i'll live if I loose Kenzo just after Cookie...

Free high resolution images theres something wrong with kenzo :(, animal, pet, rabbit.
Licence: Creative Commons - CC0. Photos transferred to the public domain from Creative Commons.


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