From the Propellor to the Cresent Nebula, 4 panel mosaic in H-alpha. DSLR image

From the Propellor to the Cresent Nebula, 4 panel mosaic in H-alpha. DSLR image, Astrometrydotnet:status=solved, Astrophotography, Domain, Public, HQ Photo
From the propellor to the cresent nebula, 4 panel mosaic in h-alpha. dslr image free stock photo

The Sadr region in Cygnus, Esprit 100mm APO f5.5 refractor and Canon 6Da with 12nm Optolong Ha filter. 4x14x900 seconds (14 hrs) iso1600, each panel stacked in DeepSkyStacker with 30 darkframes, 30 Flatframes and 174 biasframes. Processed with Pixinsight using DBE (per panel), Staralignment, GradientMergeMosaic, HistogramTransfer, ExponentialTransformation and curvesTransformation. Panels recorded during the nights of 20+21 june and 13+14 july 2016.


Knight Observatory, Tomar

Free high resolution images from the propellor to the cresent nebula, 4 panel mosaic in h-alpha. dslr image, astrometrydotnet:status=solved, astrophotography, domain, public, space.
Licence: Creative Commons - CC0. Photos transferred to the public domain from Creative Commons.

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