Wollondilly Big Day In

Wollondilly Big Day In, Au, Australia, Automotive, Car, HQ Photo
Wollondilly big day in free stock photo

Taken at the Wollondilly Big Day In Storm Relief Festival.


A big thank you to everyone for a fantastic day out. A special thanks to all the volunteers/ entertainers and car clubs who gave their time to make this show special.


All photos are public domain - my small gift to this great cause.


All that I ask is that if you share these images, please don't forget to give me credit - would very much appreciate it.

Free high resolution images wollondilly big day in, au, australia, automotive, car, car show.
Licence: Creative Commons - CC0. Photos transferred to the public domain from Creative Commons.

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Camera: Canon (Canon EOS 70D)
ISO: 100
Aperture: f/4.5

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