RED-FOOTED BOOBY (4-27-2018) holo-holo boat, coast and lehua island, out of port allen, kauai co, hawaii (3)

Related for RED-FOOTED BOOBY (4-27-2018) holo-holo boat, coast and lehua island, out of port allen, kauai co, hawaii (3)
RED-FOOTED BOOBY (4-27-2018) holo-holo boat, coast and lehua island, out of port allen, kauai co, hawaii (3), Animal, Bird, Sky, Water, HQ Photo
Red-footed booby (4-27-2018) holo-holo boat, coast and lehua island, out of port allen, kauai co, hawaii (3) free stock photo

Free high resolution images red-footed booby (4-27-2018) holo-holo boat, coast and lehua island, out of port allen, kauai co, hawaii (3), animal, bird, sky, water.
Licence: Creative Commons - CC0. Photos transferred to the public domain from Creative Commons.

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Camera: Canon (Canon EOS 80D)
ISO: 500
Aperture: f/5.6

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