I've lost yet another angel

I've lost yet another angel, Animal, Dead, Die, Hamster, HQ Photo
I've lost yet another angel free stock photo

Neu left me yesterday, unfortunatly I wasn't there to be with him until the end.

This little guy was by my side through difficult times for me, and he was always there to cheer me up.

A smart boy, and so docile too.

His two years of life flew by so fast, how I wish I could rewind and live them again

Good night my beloved boy, good bye.


I made a video for him quickly.

It's not my best, but it's a tribute to my beloved little man.



Free high resolution images i've lost yet another angel, animal, dead, die, hamster, monochrome.
Licence: Creative Commons - CC0. Photos transferred to the public domain from Creative Commons.

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