Blue sky
Loving Father Kissing Baby Girl - Colorized
Two Beautiful Flowers
Spring Awakening
A hugging couple
Camp at Babes Hole
Cygnes au coucher de soleil
Spring has sprung
Kayaking at Fountainhead
No masters no gods just love
A lovely couple with two dogs
A pretty girl with a phone
Spring's Green Hills
Dale's Ridge Trail (17)
Hypsy Creek (7)
April 12, 2017
Colourful spring flowers tulip
Frank Gantz Trail (4)
Morning dew on the grass
Colourful spring flowers apple blossom
Reach for th sky
Sahalie Falls, Oregon, Spring
Yosemite National Park, California
Die Welt erwacht II
Pocono Mesic Till Barrens (Revisited) (2)
Hood River Orchards, Oregon
McKenzie River, Oregon
April Snow (3)
San Francisco from Torpedo Wharf
Goose location hunting
Hypsy Creek (6)
Turnip seed field, Oregon
Derryboye tree ring
West Clear Creek Trail
St. John Catholic Church
Crater Lake, Oregon