Arizona Trail-Aspen Loop Trail Junction

Arizona Trail-Aspen Loop Trail Junction, Arizona, National Forest, United states, Trail, HQ Photo
Arizona trail-aspen loop trail junction free stock photo

At the junction of the southern loop fork with Arizona Trail.


On the western flank of the San Francisco Peaks, Aspen Loop Trail is a moderate 2 mile loop trail descending through a beautiful forest of aspen, fir, and pine to meet the Arizona National Scenic Trail Passage 34. The trail offers views of the San Francisco Peaks, Kendrick Mountain, and hills to the west of the Peaks. The trail splits at around the half-mile mark. Follow either fork to the Arizona Trail, and follow the signs along the Arizona Trail to the return trail to complete the loop. The trailhead is at the Humphreys Trailhead just below the Arizona Snowbowl.


Photo by Deborah Lee Soltesz, September 2015. Credit: U.S. Forest Service, Coconino National Forest. For more information about this trail, see the Aspen Loop and Arizona Trail Passage 34 trail descriptions on the Coconino National Forest website.

Free high resolution images arizona trail-aspen loop trail junction, arizona, national forest, united states, trail, text.
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