3 Crossing hexa-tori / 交差する3個の六芒星環
Brown Dried Leaves
Macro of Green Plant Leaves
Rusty Stone - Romania
Autumn at Lake Tekapo NZ (26)
DSC01049 - Copie
3 Tori / 3個の輪環(りんかん)
Cat - ID: 16218-130649-5573
The Sea, Cinque Terre, Italy
Making Pizza Great Again (in my house)
The Grand Canyon (17)
6 Tori or 3D Lissajous figures - Mathematica / 6個の輪環(りんかん)または立体(りったい)リサージュ図形(ずけい)
St cyprien pre bastille day fireworks at garrit-france-em10-20150713-P7130313.jpg
Moment on a wave - world in a moment
A lively little stream
Snowflakes at night 6
Early morning water lillies #mozwww-em10-20150623-P6230097-Edit.jpg
Dicksonia squarrosa Wheki. NZ Fern.
Cat - ID: 16218-130658-6952
Green leave
Rusty texture
paper texture
yellow paper texture
stained paper texture
craft paper texture
rusty metal texture
grunge texture
grunge iron texture
grass texture
wet concrete