Sculpture Hindu God Ganesha
Monument of Turkish artillery
Talavera cross
Woman Sculpture
Monkeys wooden statue
Old Statue
Vietnam Memorial 2
Lisbon sculpture
Bronze horse statue
David Statue
Reco Pentung Statue
Statues in Rome
Marble box
Asian Garden Angel
Buddha's updesh
Fish statue
The Thinker
Communist monument
Girl With Grapes
Celtic Animal Sculpture
Statue of Liberty
Naga - Phra Singh Temple
Snake eats itself
Jesus Sculpture
Ancient Siamese temple ruins, Ayutthaya, Thailand
3 Women
Fallen Icarus
Plaster cast of a Pompeii chariot driver
Khmer-style pagoda
Rhino Statue
Antique sarkofag
Stone carvings bas-relief of Angkor Wat