Saint-Michel Fountain
Nantes Cathedral
Nantes Cathedral - HDR
Stone Crucifix - HDR
Emerson Hamilton Liscum Tomb - HDR
Spires - Wat Phra Kaew
Organic Cathedral Mural
Tombstone Handshake
Stairway to Golden Decay - HDR
Obelisk 1
Obelisk 2
Obleisk 3
Obelisk 4
Obelisk 5
Church interior
Church Benches
Salisbury Cathedral
Marie-Reine-du-Monde Cathedral
Burden of Christ
Donegal Cemetery Celtic Cross - HDR
Arlington National Cemetery - HDR
Unknown Soldier Tomb - HDR
Pagoda within the Wat Phra Kaew palace
Cherry Blossom Cemetery - HDR
Sapphire Cherry Blossom Cemetery - HDR
Arlington Cemetery Road - HDR
Arlington Cemetery Road - Cerise Pink HDR