Off-Trail Hike (1)
April Snow (4)
Elk Knob Trail (4)
Sea Shells (16)
Pied shag (Phalacrocorax varius)
San Francisco Bay (21)
Golden Gate Bridge.San Francisco.
Pocono Mesic Till Barrens (Revisited) (3)
Pacific Pearl.Auckland New Zealand.
Fontanarossa-Etna_Volcano - Creative Commons by gnuckx
A few more strokes and I'm there
Sea Shells (28)
The Shotover Jet. (11)
San Francisco Bay (14)
Sea Shells (26)
Linguaglossa-Etna-Volcano-Sicily-Italy - Creative Commons by gnuckx
San Francisco Bay.
Dive to the deep.
Red billed gull with chicks. (from a hide)
Off-Trail Hike (3)
Tugboats. Port of Melbourne.
Sea Shells (4)
Dirt bike riders.
Sugarcamp Mountain (3)
Sugarcamp Mountain (10)
People Looking at Cars in Car Lot with Hoods Up
The Comeng train. Melbourne.
Cruise ship tender. Diamond Princess. Akaroa. NZ
The chase is on.
Winter Queenstown NZ.
Spotted Shag. New Zealand.
Goldne Princess and Milford Wanderer.
Sea Shells (29)
Sea Shells (25)
Sea Shells (21)