Elgos des Loups de Genain DUPLAN E - -3454
Waiting for lunch time
Black and white Ruffed Lemur
My melancholic friend
Looking Down on a Dog Looking Down
Tokina AT-X 90mm F2.5 Macro (Bokina II)-11.jpg
Minolta MC W.Rokkor-SI 28mm 2.5-10.jpg
Jacta-Est des Plaines de Thieraches BOUTONNET B -4377
Nap time playfighting
Jacta-Est des Plaines de Thieraches BOUTONNET B -4369
2016/366/121 "Damn, I am Cute"
2012 01 28 casa
What Felix Thinks
Helios 44-2 58mm f2
Iceberg des Plaines de Thierache GOUPIL A-3354
Jacta-Est des Plaines de Thieraches BOUTONNET B -4284
Oh, to be a cat...
Huh? I've Had This Plush Toy 3 Days And I have Not Shredded It
Can i entrar?
Happy to be back indoors!
Iceberg des Plaines de Thierache GOUPIL A-3262
Elgos des Loups de Genain DUPLAN E - -3570
Minolta MD W.Rokkor HH 35mm f2.8-4.jpg
Xmas doggie buffet at Snouts
What? My Birthday! You're kidding!
Eto du Banc des Hermelles Deshoulieres J------4879
Eto du Banc des Hermelles Deshoulieres J------4920
Duisburg 20160820 MAP_7656
"Not again with that camera..."
Ganja des Plaines de Thierache Desamblanc Ph -3130
Kitties and their cat tree
Neu, what do you think of the homemade cookies?
Jacta-Est des Plaines de Thieraches BOUTONNET B -4334
Duisburg 20160821 MAP_8215
Jedai des Lointaines Galaxies SOINARD Ph -3961
Jacta-Est des Plaines de Thieraches BOUTONNET B -4326