Duisburg 20160827 MAP_8501
Lazy time in the sunny spot
Minolta MC Rokkor-PG 50mm F1.4.jpg
Harribo des Plaines de Thirache PRULHIERE F --4167
Iceberg des Plaines de Thierache GOUPIL A-3395
Can we get this over with?
Dogpark friend: Synkro
Iceberg des Plaines de Thierache GOUPIL A-3251
Maine coon cat on the floor
Eto du Banc des Hermelles Deshoulieres J------4901
"What do mean, Cats don't rule the world?"
Oh Those Smells
Duisburg 20160911 MAP_9702
A stormy afternoon
Working the Kong
Borads.ie photography group.
Run Sun run!
Duisburg 20160707 MAP_1896
Duisburg 20160911 MAP_9681
Tokina AT-X 90mm F2.5 Macro (Bokina II)-6.jpg
Hancock du Domaine de Kertanka SERVANT E--3743
Cats & Cars
Duisburg 20160821 MAP_8200
A cat to match the tiles
Mr Blue (and Brown) Eye
Jorg de Beschermengel Chambelin C ------4633
Jorg de Beschermengel Chambelin C ------4580
Cat - ID: 16218-130658-6952
Cat cafe, Inari, Kyoto
Duisburg 20160704 MAP_0285
Iceberg des Plaines de Thierache GOUPIL A-3340
Gyno des Plaines de Thierache LASNE Ph -2886
2016/366/270 Happiness is a New Bone
Cat - ID: 16236-105008-8164
2016/366/346 Hola Bubba!
Friendly dogs meet with their pals in the dog park area of David Crombie Park, 2014 10 25