Red Shouldered Hawk
Pileated Woodpecker
Mew Seagull
Mallard Duck
Long Eared Owl
Hooded Oriole
Wild Hawk
Great Egret
Golden Eagle
Rough Legged Hawk
Cliff Swallow
Cedar Waxwing
Emperor Goose
Blue and Yellow Macaws
Altamira Oriole
Eastern Bluebird
Great Grey Owl
Roseate Spoonbill
Bald Eagle
Eurasian Eagle Owl
Red Tailed Hawk
Wild Owl
Kookabura on the Tree
Crowned Crane
Coopers Hawk
Flying Seagull
Painted Bunting
Black Ostrich
Leaf Nosed Bats
Great Horned Owls
Great Horned Owl
Snowy Egrets