Iceberg des Plaines de Thierache GOUPIL A-3301
Rue at 9 months
"Yes, I Know I am Adorable"
Iceberg des Plaines de Thierache GOUPIL A-3272
Jacta-Est des Plaines de Thieraches BOUTONNET B -4353
Lazy time in the sunny spot
Blake Enjoys a Gift from Felix
Jorg de Beschermengel Chambelin C ------4639
Duisburg 20160704 MAP_0276
Gyno des Plaines de Thierache LASNE Ph -3015
I'm Watching You, Felix...
Dog park friend: Titan
Just came for a chat
Jedai des Lointaines Galaxies SOINARD Ph -3941
Irka des Bergers de Turons PILON G --3629
Duisburg 20160814 MAP_6942
Getting the Felix Side Eye
Jedai des Lointaines Galaxies SOINARD Ph -3947
"Why is the Suitcase Out?"
Dogpark friend: Synkro
2018/365/29 I've Got This
Sweater weather :-)
Elgos des Loups de Genain DUPLAN E - -3567
The power of the TREAT
Kimiko exploring living room
Elgos des Loups de Genain DUPLAN E - -3491
The "I Guess I'm Not Going Where the Suitcase is Going" Look
Golden Retriever sitting next to pumpkins
Elgos des Loups de Genain DUPLAN E - -3406
Welcome to Floor Level Life
Foenix des Plaines de Thierache DUBUCHE L -2746
Now I Am Rolling on the Ice... So What?
Harribo des Plaines de Thirache PRULHIERE F --4180
Duisburg 20160707 MAP_1896
Cutest dog in st cyprien-dordogne-em10-70-300mm-20150721-P7210001.jpg
Hudson Bay Wolf